Friday, March 02, 2007

Exhibition - Saturday, March 10

8 p.m. Vernissage of an EXHIBITION of charcoal drawings of olive trees by artist JESÚS MENDOZA. Hours: Sat/Sun from 11 - 2 p.m., Wed - Fri 5 - 9 p.m. or by appointment. Exhibition runs until 8th April.

They say that owners grow to resemble their dogs. Is it that Jesús has come to resemble the trees that he draws with such an instinctive eye? Or is he naturally drawn to olives because they already resemble him? This sinewy, quiet man, a loner, a caring gardener and an
exquisite draughtsman, feels a deep passion for the mysteries of Nature that is reflected in his work.
Currently he is exhibiting olives, trees whose knotted trunks, whorled grey bark and capacity for patience have excited admiration and reflection for centuries. Jesús comes from Burgos, in northern Castille, but his spiritual home is clearly among these sentinels of the Tramuntana, which he has captured with masterful tenderness. The show includes around 15 drawings of olives and some landscapes. He also accepts commissions.

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