Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Sep 3 - 6 LET´S PLAY! - Music Improvisation from the heart
Sabine Bundschu (Munich) & Jan Kobrzinowski (Mallorca)
250 Euro for 4 days (Monday - Thursday)
Info: 971 235 268 / 619 622 044
With the collaboration of

Saturday, September 29
"Tao & Tantra" - Kai Walter (
10:30 - 18:00

Tantra Yoga, guided meditation and meditative dance.
45 € (lunch included)

Juul Jacobs, a Dutch artist who works in resins, is offering workshops at Sa Taronja.

For artists interested in exploring the sculptural possibilities of plastics, polyester, polyurethane and epoxy resins this is a unique opportunity for hands-on experience.

The artist's work can be seen at

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