Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, August 18

Volker Rasch - piano      -       Mano Kösters -   voice       -       Jan Kobrzinowski - double bass 
Anja Lautermann - flutes        -         Salvdor Font - drums

In Limón y Chelo:

Bass player Jan Kobrzinowski is coming to perform again in Sa Taronja. Here is the international version of his German band DIE JAZZPOETEN: Pianist / composer Volker Rasch and singer Mano Kösters meet flute player Anja Lautermann from Düsseldorf and Catalan drummer legend Salvador Font. -  The most poetic jazz standards and evergreens and a couple of surprises from their CD "JAZZPOETEN", recently released in Germany.

Live music at 8.30 p.m. - restaurant opens at 7 p.m. - reservations: 971 136 368

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