Thursday, August 04, 2016

Dear Members and Friends of Sa Taronja,

The heat is on!  Now's the time to chill out in the the patio of Sa Taronja.  August brings old friends and new who will be playing in our restaurant re-baptised ALFRESCO by this season's chef Eduardo López. A great line up of musicians, from near and far, will be presenting music of very different genres every Friday and Saturday from now on. Details below.

And for those who want something more participative, we are delighted to present a night of great music to dance to in Sa Nau, in hommage to our late friend Arthur Vaughn Richards. Some of his friends and local musicians, members of his former band ORISHIRISHI, have teamed up to create an evening based on his songs. Orishirishi (in the Yoruba language of Nigeria, it means: "all kinds of.."), was the name under which Arthur toured with his English bandmates, long before he came to Mallorca.
On Sunday the band includes Patrick Shanahan, who was Arthur's drummer for many years, and bass player Jan Kobrzinowski. Both shared the stage with Arthur on many occasions and provided back-up vocals. As guest musicians we present guitarists Fernando Rubin and Ivo Jaklic and others. Arthur was not only a wonderful performer but also an extraordinary songwriter. His soulful ballads and groovy songs with their danceable mix of reggae, afro, rock and funk will be remembered by all who experienced ORISHIRISHI "live" in Mallorca from 2005 to 2010. Arthur's lyrics are both uplifting and thoughtful, often personal and biographical, sometimes melancholy, but always with a touch of humour. This concert is an opportunity for all these musicians and friends to bid goodbye to their friend in the very best way, and through his music, to keep him in our hearts. Arthur loved partying and dancing and so we aim to fill our great hall SA NAU, next Sunday night, with good vibes, good music and great joy, to celebrate the memory of our old friend and his talent. His latest CD is just out, and will be launched with this concert.

 ….  And later on in the month….another great dance opportunity on August 20th with the dynamite sextet "Balcan Bus" playing the joyful, fast-paced music of the Balcans.  In Sa Nau.

We hope you will come and support us again this summer, and tell your visitors and friends about us and about our little restaurant.
This is a critical moment for the association, and without your presence we have no reason to continue. Active members, please note: the Annual General meeting of the association – where we present the last year's accounts and review the current issues facing Sa Taronja – will take place on Wednesday 24th August at 8:30 p.m.  Refreshments will be served. To attend, make sure you are a paid-up member! (if you are not, click here to download the Membership form).  

We are preparing a music-filled August and September whose high point will be the SERENATA BERLIN chamber music concert on September 17th to celebrate the tenth anniversary of our collaboration with the musicians of the DSO, the German Symphony Orchestra of Berlin.  
Full details in the next Newsletter and on the Serenata Berlin website:



We welcome a new cook and a new dining experience: Eduardo López is taking over the kitchen and will be presenting fresh, Mediterranean cuisine under the name “ALFRESCO”, based on local produce, with market specials that will change weekly. 

The restaurant will be open Fridays and Saturdays, with live music. 
Reservations (622 616 109) We look forward to seeing you soon!

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