Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Monday, December 7


This Must Be the Place (2011) 
European drama film directed by Paolo Sorrentino, starring Sean Penn and Frances McDormand. 
English version with Spanish subtitles

Cheyenne, a retired rock star living off his royalties in Dublin, returns to New York City to find the man responsible for a humiliation suffered by his recently deceased father during W.W.II. Sean Penn comes across like an arthritic bag lady and reveals without the slightest effort that he has a good heart and a quiet sense of humor. Few actors have played a wider variety of characters, and even fewer have done it without making it seem like a stunt.
It takes a film-maker as brazenly idiosyncratic as Paolo Sorrentino to even think of juxtaposing the Holocaust and the goofy comedy of pop privilege, a conceit that might strike some as an outrage. Yet the Italian director Sorrentino pulls it off not just with panache, but with prodigal brio. This Must Be the Place may be too erratically constructed to be a great film, but it's certainly great cinema – joyously imaginative, a folly to revel in. (The Independent)
Free Admission. 
In the old house, with comfortable sofas and a roaring fire.
The bar, with great Tapas, opens at 8 p.m., film starts at 9 pm.

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